A Knot Can be Untied When The Loop is Broken (2024)
When I was making the documentary to be broadcast, the editor from the TV
station told me that they preferred stories that focus on one main character with
a clear narrative arch. It is easier for the audience to follow and understand reality.
However, the stories in our reality are multi-layered, and every individual has a rich,
multi-arching story. As a documentary filmmaker, I struggle to make peace with
that decision of defining the ‘main’ and the ‘others.’ Therefore, I decided to re-edit
all the footage that has been sitting on my hard drive for the past years, that did not
make it into the official archive, into a multi-channel video installation.
Can this be a way where the hierarchy of importance is deconstructed, and a
multi-layered story can be understood?
Participated in the exhibition. “Swallow Them, Scatter it, Then Pray For Me”, August 2024, the 5th Floor, Tokyo Japan.